"The Trouble Is That You Think You Have Time"
As I am writing this I have realised that I left two candles lit for four hours without anyone being in my house. Ooops!
Hello and welcome back to my third blog post. If you are new well, Hello and I hope that you will read my future blog posts. And thank you for not clicking off already.
Okay, I have to explain what is going to be happening with the Sunday post's for the next month. Well there will be a lot of changes in my house. What I mean by that is that my house is getting a small extension and being redecorated, also my room will be painted, redecorated and extended. It apparently is going to take awhile, so I'm not going to have a lot to write. And the worst part is that this is all happening during the weekend and during the week, which is causing so much annoying noise that I am slowly dying on the inside. So the Sunday posts will be shorter ( Such as this one ) till late September but on Tuesday's I'm at my sister's so the Wednesday posts will always be the normal length. Please keep in mind that all the other times during the week I have my own things to do.
But other than that not much is happening.
The explanation for this quote-
"The Trouble Is That You Think You Have Time"Okay I think we can all relate to this. Well my explanation is that I think I have time to do all these thing such as order things, I need to look after my dog, babysit my cousin, help with the house and millions of other things that I don't have time to do. I have had 3 weeks off and I can't plan to hang out with my friends because I have no time. I planned 5 times to hangout with them and I cancelled last minute. So the moral of the story is, make more time for friends.
I don't have any more time to carry on.
Okay that's all
x x Peace Out x x
Stay Positive